How Effective Are Alcohol Rehab Programs?
Alcohol rehab clinics come in a range of sizes, with those that are capable of treating just a few addicts on a personal basis, and the ones that are large enough to securely house dozens of sufferers at any given time. One thing that many people find themselves asking, is how effective these facilities are at offering addiction recovery.
With the statistics on alcoholic treatment, the truth is that different clinics will boast their own unique rates of success; but in the majority of cases, those that offer the best results will be far more popular than others. There are many different alcohol rehab facilities in Australia (some free, others paid), but all of them will share one common purpose in mind and that’s to aid their patients in recovery.
How Do Clinics Differ?
The easiest way to understand the potential of different clinics is by understanding the way in which they operate. Some are free to use (most commonly Christian alcohol rehab centres) and these ones might seem like the cheaper alternative, but in reality their alcohol-free recovery programs are actually very highly acclaimed.
Then there are paid centres, the likes of which can charge up to (and more than) $10,000 a month – and it’s these ones that often receive the most publicity as many celebrities and wealthy individuals rely on them for their treatment. It’s not just the facilities to consider either, it’s the features that they offer; including their resources, programs and courses.
Some clinics might specialise in the tried and tested 12 step program – a system that is used to treat alcoholism as well as alcohol addictions. These programs are considered some of the most effective, but they do require a lot of effort on the part of the addict. In most instances, the patient will be required to remain present on an in-patient basis – and only when the specialists on site deem them to be free from their addiction will they permitted to switch to out-patient status.
So, Are All Programs Reliable?
There are many factors that can contribute to the reliability of a course, or a program. These include the effectiveness of the techniques provided by those offering the service (which in the majority of cases can be very reliable), as well as the addicts willingness to overcome their condition. Some people find their habits too hard to address, while others may get clean, only to relapse in the future.
It all depends on the combined services afforded by the clinic, their aftercare support and the patient’s capabilities to stay on the straight and narrow. If all goes well then the risk of relapse will be fairly minimal, and studies have shown that roughly 60% of those treated will go on to live clean and sober lives. In 40% of cases however, people can walk away from their treatment mid-course, or relapse and go back to their alcohol abuse.
Cure Alcoholism Best Advice — How to Treat Alcohol Addiction By David Smallwood,
In this tutorial reformed alcoholic David Smallwood talks about how to treat Alcohol addiction. David outlines the reasons why people get addicted to alcohol and why, they can never treat or cure themselves and must seek professional help. In terms of drinking, an alcoholic builds up a tolerance which means as time moves on, he needs more drink to satisfy his addiction. This is true for any addiction and its a fact that many people have multiple addictions.
If you want to cure alcohol addiction, you should learn why people become addicted and it then becomes clear, you will never cure the addiction on your own. If you want to quit alcohol you can but you will need to get help to cure you. David knows what he’s talking about, after being an alcoholic he has now been free of the addiction for 25 years. A good intro on why people become addicted to drinking and how to cure the addiction.,
My sister drinks everyday … Last 20 years my family trying everything but nothing works… She don't realize how much hurt us… I am just pray one day she will stop drinking
As soon as he mentioned the Fellowship, aka AA, I recoiled. AA seriously messed me up. I left meetings thinking of alcohol after I had walked in just fine.
great point about not trying to do it alone ….
best words I've heard with regard to that are " you alone can recover but you can't recover alone"
interesting points ,if anyone else wants to learn about how to quit drinking alcohol tips try Wiltapar Quit Drinking Secrets ( search on google ) ? Ive heard some great things about it and my work buddy got excellent success with it.
I've been 2 years sober and here's how I did it – Stay away from cunts and start looking after number one and number one only; nourish yourself with good things, ya know like you do with a car and a nice pair of shoes. Also don't be a cunt and remember the world doesn't revolve around you; don't be a selfish/spoilt cunt and start looking after yourself properly instead of hurting those who love you and yourself! If a 'friend' asks you if you want a drink and they know you've given up tell them to fuck off and keep your distance because they are the devil sitting on your shoulder (not really but you get my drift)… Stay beautiful X
there are different levels of alcoholism some are worse than others. Some wake up shaking and drinking all day, some wait till 4 and only have a few a day. some people can quit on there own some can't. Everyone does not need professional help, that may just be overpriced crap another way to lose your money
Could doing a fecal transplant from a donor that had long trim continuous sobriety have a positive effects on someone that was struggling to get or stay sober?
If mice get fat from transplants from obese mice than why not expect a similar result in relationship to craving for mood altering substances.
The transfer of microbiome might already be playing out in a passive manor in many 12 step programs as members meet 3 or 4 times a week in small rooms often hugging and holding hands that would result in the sharing of micros associated with continuous lengths of sobriety.
hey ,if anyoneelse is searchingfor bestway to quitdrinking tryFezervin QuickDrinkCoach (Havea quicklook on goglecant rememberthe placenow ) ? Ive heardsome unbelievablethings aboutit and myneighbor gotcool successwith it.
Don't listen to this cunt. You are your own hero.
here's a video on relapse prevention
fuck you and your aa fellowship you brainwashed fuck.
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Yeah, that's easy to explain in 4 minutes. Give the man another 4 minutes and maybe he'll bring world peace to us all. In all seriousness, if you want to do a video on a very serious topic, do NOT allocate all of 4 minutes to the subject. This is pathetic.
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He's right about the nature of discomfort and tolerance. But it should be noted that the rest of what he said ("I didn't have a choice," "I'll always be an alcoholic", implying he was simply born a certain way that made everything inevitable) are merely opinions fueled by AA. Most doctors or PHD professors would never tell you that "alcoholism" is an incurable "disease." Sure, dependency is a medical issue. But beyond that, the root of addiction is emotional/mental/behavioral.
The science and data suggest that most "alcoholics" learn to recover from treatment other than AA/12 step fellowships. Not only that, nearly one fifth of alcohol dependent individuals (half of those who recover) eventually return to moderate drinking. There is always risk and it's important to heed caution/get help if you have a problem. But the point is that no two human beings with alcohol/addiction problems are the same. And therefore, should not be spoken about collectively in such a broad manner.
You do not have to label yourself or buy into the fear-based, black-and-white, all-or-none disease model– that is AA's belief. You are not some powerless mutant. You are a human being capable of great things, above all– change (in any way you see fit). Living an abstinent life is an honorable thing to do but by no means necessary for all. It's actually my opinion that those all-or-none beliefs put far too much pressure on the individual, encourage binges, perpetuates shame, and pushes people to become self fulfilling prophecies. I'm happy some people learn to quit drinking in the rooms but it frustrates me when their beliefs (the beliefs from a 1930s faith based cult with a 5% success rate) get blindly accepted as fact within society. It's time we wake up and start reevaluating the way we look at this.
I think the commonest reason why people stop drinking , it's because they physically can't do it anymore, they just so sick of drinking and it's effects that can't take another another sip. I used to been addicted to taste Of red wine , and 1 bottle every day after work was greatest fun for me. I guess I was addicted, but one day I woke up and realised I don't wanna drink red wine anymore, or any heavy spirit. Don't know why. Just probably had enough. Now drink pint of ruby beer every day, no more, because afraid of feel Ill afterwards. Guess, my liver is slowed down and can't process more than 2 units alcohol in day. I guess, it's a progress, dropping from 13 units to 2 units per day. I still enjoy pint of beer after work but don't feel can drink more than that. Hope that eventually, I will drink less and less.
addiction is a choice
He really knows what he's talking about….
No such thing as disease u fool,.or addiction,.This guy is full of shit,.My partner and I dropped the heavy drinking,. one day after 20yrs. thats it,.Ur full of shit,.We haven't touched it, nor allowed anyone even our family drink around us,.So its been more than 16 yrs. since,.Don't even think about the drinking,.